• Official Certifications

    Specific list

    Obtain an Official “France Competences” certification

    Certification is essential to support your training as part of your CPF. The certification makes it possible to objectively assess your level on a common reference basis. Exams and tests are numerous and not all assess the same skills, so it is relevant to choose the certification best suited to your professional or personal objectives. A certification is particularly important when you are in professional mobility or looking for a new job, it allows you to enhance your skills. Certifications, unlike lifetime exams, are generally valid for 2 years.

    The main language certifications we offer are: TOEFL, PIPLET, Linguaskill (formerly Bulats), TOEIC, Bright, LILATE, CLOE, DCL.

    For Office Automation, we promote the following certifications: ENI, TOSA or ICDL.

    Obtain an Official “France Competences” certification

    Certification is essential to support your training as part of your CPF. The certification makes it possible to objectively assess your level on a common reference basis. Exams and tests are numerous and not all assess the same skills, so it is relevant to choose the certification best suited to your professional or personal objectives. A certification is particularly important when you are in professional mobility or looking for a new job, it allows you to enhance your skills. Certifications, unlike lifetime exams, are generally valid for 2 years.

    The main language certifications we offer are: TOEFL, PIPLET, Linguaskill (formerly Bulats), TOEIC, Bright, LILATE, CLOE, DCL.

    For Office Automation, we promote the following certifications: ENI, TOSA or ICDL.


    Language certifications: CEFR scale, the world reference

    There are different language certifications, most are indexed on the CEFR scale, the fundamental reference of the language evaluation system. The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFRL) is recognized internationally by more than 130 countries.

    Its main advantage is to offer a reference scale independent of the evaluating body and the certification chosen and transposable to all languages ​​(English, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, etc). Divided into 6 levels, the CEFR scale assesses the ability to express and understand, oral and written, as well as the ability to interact.

    The CEFRL system makes it possible to evaluate the ease of communication for all levels: it is not a sanction score to be achieved, but a level recognition. So whatever your score is, you get an indicator of your level.

    We offer you different certifications adapted to your objectives which will give you a CEFRL equivalence.



    Office Automation Certifications

    Do you need to know or justify your level in office automation? Passing a certification is a guarantee of distinction in your CV and reassures your employer. Unlike languages however, there is no office/computer reference scale. We offer three certifications depending on your expectations and objectives: IDCL (formerly PCIE), ENI or TOSA.

    You can choose according to your objectives. All three are in any case recognized and eligible for the consideration of the financing of your training by Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF).

    IDCL: a European certification

    Valid and updated every 3 years, IDCL certifies that you have the necessary knowledge to use a computer as well as the main software required in business. The IDCL is divided into 7 modules which cover the following fundamental areas:

    • General knowledge of the workstation and its environment;
    • Document management (Windows environment, Drive);
    • Word processing (Word, Writer, Docs);
    • Spreadsheet (Excel, Calc, Sheet);
    • Database (Access, Base);
    • Presentation (Powerpoint, Impress, Slides);
    • Web browsing and email (Outlook, Gmail, Chrome).

    For each of the 7 modules, the test consists of 36 questions in the form of MCQs. A module is validated if the score is greater than or equal to 75% of correct answers. If you don’t get the 75% score, you can still bring up the module and the score that certifies your level.


    ENI certification

    Office certifications – Office ENI are in the form of a multiple-choice questionnaire with several levels of questions. 70% of the assessment is practical.

    The ENI certification test is timed and lasts approximately 1 hour.
    Must-know: on the day of the exam, you can practice a few questions beforehand to familiarize yourself with the exam environment. 70% of the assessment takes place using the software (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc.) for which you are getting the certification. You are in the real environment in which you were trained. All your actions and manipulations are taken into account: right click, keyboard shortcuts, etc.

    At the end of the test, the candidate is assigned a score from 0 to 1000. The score is calculated based on the number of correct answers, weighted by the level of each correct answer. The points for practical case questions are 10 times higher than for a SCQ/MCQ type of questionnaire. This score defines the level of skills acquisition achieved by the candidate:

    • From 0 to 149/1000: the candidate is not certified
    • From 150 to 349/1000: the candidate is certified – Fundamental Skills
    • From 350 to 649/1000: the candidate is certified – Intermediate Skills
    • From 650 to 1000/1000: the candidate is certified – Advanced Skills

    The detailed results allow you to immediately identify your strengths and areas for improvement based on your achievements in the various key points of the certification.


    TOSA certification: the international standard for measuring computer skills

    Tosa certifications allow you to measure and certify your office and digital skills. They deliver a score out of 1000 to put on your CV or on your professional social networks ;-).

    The Tosa combines adaptive tests and scientific notation from enriched MCQs and practical exercises. The questions are asked in the form of interactive activities, MCQs and situational exercises encountered in business to be carried out directly in the software environment. This is why Tosa certification meets your operational needs.

    The passage of the Tosa is done on our online platform. The test is timed. The time allowed depends on the certification. Your score will be communicated to you at the end of the test. You will receive within 72 hours an e-mail with the certificate of completion or diploma as well as the detailed results of your exam. The Tosa diploma is issued if the minimum score defined for each certification is achieved by the candidate. Below that, you only get a certificate of completion.

    TOSA certification can be done remotely with an integrated asynchronous e-surveillance solution, or by video-conference. The candidate only needs an internet connection and a computer equipped with a webcam and a microphone.

    Level, scores and description-

    • Expert: 876 – 1000: You have comprehensive knowledge of the subject being assessed. Your productivity in its use is optimal.
    • Advanced: 726 – 875: You have a very good command of the subject assessed. Your productivity is excellent.
    • Operational: 551 – 725: You are autonomous in the day-to-day operations that you encounter in your professional environment.
    • Basic: 351 – 550 You have sufficient knowledge to perform simple tasks.
    • Beginner: 1-350: You have some notions about the subject assessed to understand its use in a given context.



    How to pass the certifications?

    During your training course, your trainer registers you for the certification corresponding to your needs and your constraints. A result objective depending on the duration of your training and your learning pace.

    You pass this certification, remotely, at the end of your training and you receive your level certificate directly.

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